We LOVE "phases"! When one of our children was going through a model train phase my brother reminded me that he's been going through a...

... deserving a medal
There are many worldly accolades, awards, medals and prizes that pass mothers by. But a good mother is deserving of the highest award!...

Hello fellow home educators! Some of you may know me from my Adventures In Natural Learning books and Facebook page. For those of you who...

Speaking up for our vulnerable
A thing happened this morning as I was vacuuming. Mr 3 came to me holding two large magnet tiles, and a pained expression on his face....

Destructive Criticism
Do you see the bugs? Or do you see the flower? Do you see both? Are you a "details" person? or a "Big Picture" person? Are you a...

I have an opinion on art equipment for children. Indeed I have a opinion on lots of things - and as always I will say that if you...

Entrepreneurial skills and our children
The above meme is doing the rounds on Facebook currently. A friend posted it and I replied: We were talking yesterday about a certain...

The Importance of Reading Aloud
I guess it helps that I've always been a bookish person, but somehow over the past 25 years we've amassed/collected/invested in...